LPT2: more TBM insight
As the project progresses, the length of the tunnel increases and there is more space to walk along the inside of the TBM to complete various jobs. Currently, about 70m of tunnel has been excavated. Inside, it looks like a long, slightly mucky corridor:
When you reach the cabin and boring head, it gets more interesting. In general whilst drilling is taking place, two workers are required in this area.
- TBM driver. They sit in the small cabin and steer the path of the TBM and mechanical arms via various levers and buttons. They can see what is happening at the very front via a screen connected to a camera.
- Someone to watch the placement of the concrete rings. They stand in front of the cabin, where the rings are transferred through, and instruct the TBM driver where the next ring must be placed through a microphone. This can be as simple as, for example, ‘left a bit, down, stop’.
Each concrete ring weighs about a tonne and is approximately 1.2m long.